一八一八年出版的《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)常被視為是「科幻小說」(science fiction)的鼻祖。小說中描寫探尋生命奧秘的醫學生維多・法蘭克斯坦(Victor Frankenstein),在機緣巧合下學會如何由無生命的物質製造出有生命,進而以屍體製造出一個有著人形的「怪人」(monster),引發了一連串的災難。《科學怪人》創作的背景正逢西方醫學思想對生命與死亡的理解出現重大轉折的時期,寫作這本小說的英國作家瑪麗・雪萊(Mary Shelley, 1797-1851)則和推動這些醫學與哲學思潮的主要人物,有著密切的個人連結。這場演講將從《科學怪人》所描繪的醫學與科學觀念出發,回溯西方醫學生死觀幾個重大的歷史轉折,從古希臘的靈魂觀與身體觀談起,接著討論機械論、生機論、唯物論的生死觀,並探討其與現代西方醫學重要發展的關係以及這些變化在藝術與文化上的表現。
地點|臺灣當代文化實驗場 共享吧
李尚仁在英國倫敦大學帝國學院(Imperial College)科學史、科技史與醫學史中心取得博士學位,並於倫敦衛康醫學史研究所(Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine)從事博士後研究,現職是中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員。李尚仁的研究領域是現代西方科學史與醫學史,尤其是十九世紀的醫學與生命科學,主要研究興趣是帝國與現代西方醫學的關係,這裡的「帝國」指涉的既是十九世紀全盛的大英帝國,也是即將崩解的中華天朝帝國。已出版的主要研究主題是曾經擔任大清海關醫官,日後返英創立倫敦熱帶醫學校而有「熱帶醫學之父」之稱的萬巴德(Patrick Manson, 1844-1922)的研究事業,著有《帝國的醫師》(允晨),翻譯有《老科技的全球史》、《柯倫醫師吐真言》(左岸)。
國立臺灣師範大學英美文學博士。現為國立臺灣大學外國語文學系副教授。曾任臺北醫學大學醫學人文研究所與通識教育中心副教授、荷蘭萊頓大學短期研究、美國哈佛大學訪問學者。曾獲傑出人才基金會第三屆年輕學者創新獎(2015)、中華民國比較文學學會碩博士論文獎(2007),專書著作《文學、帝國與醫學想像》(2013)獲得文化部金鼎獎優良出版品推薦。研究十九世紀英國小說、文學與醫學跨領域研究、當代英國小說。研究論文散見《中外文學》、《英美文學評論》、《文化研究》、《淡江評論》、《文山評論》,以及Textual Practice, Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, NTU Studies in Language and Literature, Studies in Modern Fiction, 19th Century Literature in English 等期刊。除學術著作之外尚有譯著《波赫士談詩論藝》(2001)、《反目:百年著名文學論戰》(2008) 等六本。目前正在進行維多利亞時期英國小說與感染想像的相關研究,專書Victorian Contagion: Risk and Social Control in the Victorian Literary Imagination (2019)由Routledge出版。
As a thematic lecture/workshop series initiated by TheCube Project Space in 2016, Praxis School has been co-organized by TheCube and C-LAB since 2018, and will enter its fifth year in 2020.
Following the theme Tiangong Kaiwu II: Modern Life and the History of Technology that ran through the events in 2018 and 2019, the 2020 Praxis School advances it by treating human desire for immortality as the point of departure, focusing on how medical knowledge intervenes in and affects human experiences of life and death, so as to progressively spark insightful discussions on the imagination of future life in view of current technological development. The main theme of the 2020 Praxis School, Immortal Body, is divided into several subthemes that touch upon the concepts of life sustaining wizardry, digital replacement, cyborg, and so forth, through which the 2020 Praxis School attempts to explore the views of life in different societies and knowledge systems as well as in different stages of technological development.
#4_2020/06/21 (Sun.) 2-4pm
❚ The Previous Incarnation and This Life of Frankenstein: The Philosophical Evolution of Life and Death in Occidental Medicine
Lecturer: Li Shang-Jen
Respondent: Chen Chung-Jen
Venue: C-Lab Co-Working Space (No.177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)
Published in 1818, Frankenstein has been recognized as the earliest vanguard of science fiction. This novel depicted Victor Frankenstein, a medical student who engaged in penetrating the intriguing mystery of life, fortuitously learned to create life from inorganic substances, and produced a humanoid monster with a corpse, hence a series of catastrophes. Frankenstein was written at the time when occidental medical thoughts underwent dramatic change in the understanding of life and death. Its author Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was inextricably tied with the iconic figures who introduced such change. Treating the medical and scientific concepts in Frankenstein as the point of departure, this lecture will review several turning points of the philosophy of life and death in the occidental medicine history, from the ideas of soul and body in ancient Greece to the Mechanistic, Vitalistic and Materialist views of life and death. This lecture will also address their roles in the historic breakthroughs of modern occidental medicine and their incarnations in art and culture.
❚ About the Lecturer/ Respondent
Li Shang-Jen
Li Shang-Jen earned his Ph.D. from the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, University of London, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He is now a research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Chen Chung-Jen
Chen Chung-Jen is an associate professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He holds a Ph.D. in English Language and Literature from National Taiwan Normal University (2009). He was a visiting scholar in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (EALC) at Harvard University (2017-18). He was the recipient of the Award for Innovative Research for Young Scholars from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (2015) and the Golden Tripod Award of Taiwan (2014) for his book in Mandarin, Empire, Medicine and 19th-Century English Literature. His research interests include nineteenth-century British novels, contemporary British fiction, and interdisciplinary studies in medicine and literature.
* more information: http://thecubespace.com/en/project/immortal-body-life-sustaining-wizardry-digital-replacement-and-cyborg/
Co-organizer | TheCube Project Space, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab
Concept | TheCube Project Space
TheCube Project Space is supported by National Culture and Arts Foundation, Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City Government, RC Culture and Arts Foundation and Chen Po-Wen.